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Diva tour with Juan Ashton

It was a random night; my wife said ¨lets have some wine¨; sure we did drink beer and also ate some stake. As I get ready to go back home from the restaurant, Mr. Ramon ¨Raymond¨ Vallarino and Juan ¨DPC¨ Ashton pulls in, so I offered a seat for a quick chat. Somehow after that, a nice meal and a shot of Jagger, I ended up on a what´s called a diva surf tour with these two guys. Diva? don´t ask me, not sure what this is all about, but we sure were pampered by Mr Raymond the whole way; he is the best host you could ever wish on a surf trip. Mr Raymond would pull out goodies; had sunblock for everyone; drove his car like a champ and no complain, but a french fish. It might have been our lack of culture for culinary arts.

No plans were arranged; No GPS; No expectations; No mission, but going with the flow and having a good time. As we exit Panama´s patriotic holidays and nearby beaches we entered into a new dimension of random possibilities. Why do I say such a hypster line? because we were heading to a place only a true hypster can survive. There are minimal options for accommodations, 1 quarter inch pipe with mangrove water and over 100% possibilities to get 100 bsi (bites per square inch).

Yes, there were a few hypsters living there; girls, boys, kids, umbrellas, 100 other people and 1 pvc pipe with very little water. This looked like it would happen fo a few days ¨all for the true love of the sport and lifestyle¨. We lucked out on the first day and found shelter. For our good mental health, positivism and good flow we hit good food, good weather and a decent ocean view shack with more than one water sources and slight oceanviews.

Here are some shots. As usual; im not sure if I make sense, but I just write off top of my mind. Hope you guys enjoy;

    Kid was celebrating national hollidays with Mr. Juan.
   Shot with Samsung Galaxy by Raymond

French fish: Raymond Photos (Samsung Galaxy) 
                          Mr. Raymond overlooking while sleeping (Holga lense + Cellphone)

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